Hysteroscopy - IVF | ICU | ICSI | OI/TI



What is Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure under anesthesia that involves the insertion of a thin, lighted telescope-like device (hysteroscope) into the uterus through the cervix. This allows the doctor to view the inside of the uterus and diagnose or treat any uterine problems.

Who can opt for Hysteroscopy?

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is recommended for:

  • Those experiencing infertility or recurrent miscarriages
  • Evaluating the results of other tests, such as a hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

Operative hysteroscopy is used to correct an abnormal condition detected during the diagnostic procedure, such as:

  • Removal of fibroids, polyps, or adhesions
  • Correction of an abnormally shaped uterus

What are the prerequisites for Hysteroscopy?

  • Comprehensive medical and gynecological history
  • A negative pregnancy test
  • Investigations to ensure fitness for anesthesia
  • The procedure might be scheduled after menstruation but before ovulation to avoid the possibility of disrupting a new pregnancy

How does Hysteroscopy work?

Diagnostic Hysteroscopy


The patient is anesthetized under short general anesthesia


The cervix is dilated slightly if required to allow the hysteroscope to pass


Saline is introduced to expand the uterine cavity and provide a clear view


The inner walls of the uterus and the openings of the fallopian tubes are examined

Operative Hysteroscopy


Special instruments are inserted through the hysteroscope to perform procedures


This can include cutting outgrowths, removing adhesions, or performing endometrial ablation

Post-Hysteroscopy Procedure

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Patients may experience mild cramping or spotting, which is generally normal


Most women can return to their usual activities the next day


It’s recommended to avoid sexual intercourse for a few days after the procedure


Follow-up appointments may be scheduled to discuss findings or ensure proper healing post-operative procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Is hysteroscopy painful?

Some women might feel mild discomfort, similar to period cramps, during the procedure, but severe pain is uncommon.

How long does the procedure take?

A diagnostic hysteroscopy can be completed within 15-30 minutes, while an operative hysteroscopy might take longer, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

Are there risks associated with hysteroscopy?

While hysteroscopy is generally safe, as with any procedure, there are risks like infection, bleeding, or injury to the uterus. It’s essential to discuss potential risks with your healthcare provider.