Short Term ART Trainings - IVF | ICU | ICSI | OI/TI

Short Term ART Trainings

best ivf doctors in hyderabad

IUI Training Course

Duration 3 days

  • Evaluation of the Female & Male Partner
  • Ovulation Induction Protocol
  • Andrology Aspects
  • IUI Lab Setup
  • Semen Preparation
  • Andrology Lab Tour
  • IUI Procedure

Advanced Infertility Ultrasound Training Course

Duration 3 days

  • Basic Pelvic TVS
  • Follicular Tracking
  • Gynecological Pathology in Infertility
  • Basics of 3D Ultrasound
  • Basic Pelvic TVS
  • Gynecological Pathology in Infertility
  • Follicular Tracking
  • Basics of 3D Ultrasound

Hysteroscopy Hands – On Training Course

Duration 2 days

  • Theory Lectures
  • Practical Demo
  • Hands-on
    • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
    • Operative Hysteroscopy
  • Theory Lectures
  • Practical Demo
  • Hands-on
    • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy
    • Operative Hysteroscopy
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