Female Fertility

What Should I Do to Increase My Chances of Conceiving?

A new theory about conception might surprise you: doing weight loss and getting in shape in a short amount of time might not be the best way to solve your infertility. Recent research indicates that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more important than simply losing weight, especially if the weight loss method is not healthy or sustainable, like a crash diet. Let’s start by clarifying your definition of a “healthy lifestyle.”

The simple definition: minimize weight gain by improving metabolic factors. Sometimes it feels a little difficult to achieve these two things.

Particularly if you have PCOS;

Insulin resistance, a common symptom of PCOS, promotes fat storage, which makes it easy for patients to gain weight and hard to lose fat.

Why is this important to you? By planning properly, adopting a few new habits, and adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Here are some proven ways that you can improve your chances of conceiving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

Keep Moving Past Discomfort on a Regular Basis

#Set goals and choose something you enjoy…

There are countless options available, especially during COVID-19, to either get you outdoors or to stay at home through a virtual fitness program. Step outside and walk for a specific distance as part of your exercise.

Set a number of days every week that you will do this activity. Lay out a plan, and then stick to it. Finish the activity by making it tough for the last 5-10 minutes. I don’t mean really tough, but challenging enough that you have to come up with something inspirational to get you through. It is a powerful weapon to have this quality of movement or activity. It alters your body’s physical composition, including insulin sensitivity and metabolism.

With this lifestyle change, you will have a better chance of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby. Is there anything more important than this? Furthermore, moving beyond your level of comfort sends a powerful message to your brain that you can conquer and thrive even when things are tough, this can be useful in infertility treatments.

Take Control of Your Stress

The process of infertility treatment can be stressful. As part of the pregnancy planning process, we release you from anxiety and other forms of stress. It is obvious that increasing stress while restricting the way to release it will result in an even greater stress response.

Exercise, Getting outside, Journaling, writing, reading, gardening, or whatever resonates with you helps to decrease your stress and increase the chances of conceiving. The things that make you happy and make it easier for you to breathe are helpful. A community of people who understand what you’re going through can be helpful. You can benefit from practicing mindfulness meditation techniques. Some great apps, such as Calm and Headspace, can help you learn how to do these things if you aren’t sure how. As well as helping you sleep better, it can also improve your mood.


A healthy mental and physical life depends on hydration! Everyone knows the importance of staying hydrated. Nevertheless, maintaining a habit like this can be challenging. When you’re trying to get pregnant, it is very helpful to keep hydrated.

The stretch receptors in the stomach are important for people with insulin resistance since the hunger and satiety receptors in the brain cannot always function properly. Through these stretch receptors, the stomach expands while you eat and signals the brain to stop eating when you are full. Drinking a few glasses of water before and after meals (and eating slowly!) allows the stomach to signal the brain to stop. It’s only a matter of listening to what it has to say.

Put Sleep First (And What You Do Before Going to Sleep)

A stressful environment negatively impacts the quality of sleep. Excess weight may lead to sleep apnea, which may negatively impact eating habits, ultimately leading to even more excess weight. It is estimated; that 80% of patients with PCOS and obesity have sleep apnea.

An initial step in treating sleep apnea is to undergo a sleep study to determine if a breathing device is necessary.

It is also important to maintain good sleep hygiene. It is about what you do (and do not do) before going to sleep. A weighted blanket may help you fall asleep more easily, maintain a comfortable room temperature, and turn off electronics at least 30 minutes before falling asleep…

Taking all these steps will result in a better quality of sleep, which is crucial to increasing the chances of getting pregnant.

Choose a Healthy Eating Approach That Works for You

The process of trying to conceive for women does not need to follow any particular diet. But here we tell you what to eat while pregnant and what not to eat. 

The Good:

Avocados                     Yogurt

Leafy greens                Oatmeal

Nuts                             Lean meats and

Beans, and lentils        Pregnancy-approved fatty fish

The bad:

Undercooked eggs

Undercooked meat


An excessive amount of caffeine (up to 150mg per day is considered okay), and

Unpasteurized anything like cheese, milk, juice, etc.

Make sure your diet energizes your body and brings mental alertness and balance. Creating your own cookbook or journal of your favorite recipes is a helpful way to know what you like and what works for you.

It is important to be patient with yourself. The formation of new habits requires effort, and you need to adhere to them for at least six weeks. Changing bad habits is difficult and time-consuming, but it is worth the time and effort. You may also notice a decrease in body fat percentage and a greater chance of getting pregnant after making some of the changes listed above.

Even if these habits do not lead to weight loss, they help you to achieve the most important goal of all: conceiving.

A Word From Hegde Fertility: It’s Your Lifestyle!

However, this healthy lifestyle approach should not stop there… you must continue it during your pregnancy. By doing this, you can reduce the risk of harm to you and your baby. While all these changes might seem overwhelming, if you conquer small, achievable goals each day, you will establish the positive habits that will keep you healthy, and you will be more likely to succeed during pregnancy.

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