Health ArticlesWomen Health

What is Folic Acid?

Many of us have heard the advice “Take folic acid if you’re trying to conceive.” But why? And what is folic acid? In what ways does it help? Is it different from folate? So many questions…

But don’t worry! Here’s the information you need about folic acid so that you can understand why it is so important while conceiving.

What is Folic Acid?

The short answer is? It is a form of B-9, an essential vitamin.

You might have heard of “folate” or “methylfolate” as well. Both are forms of the same vitamin. In most cases, you’ve probably heard the word folic acid because it is a synthetic and stable form of B-9. Generally, you’ll find it in vitamins and foods like cereal, pasta, and bread.

Once consumed, our body then converts folic acid to folate. Folate is the natural form of the vitamin, found in whole foods (not fortified). And lastly, methyl folate is the more bioavailable (most absorbable) form of B-9.

It is especially used for men and women who have trouble absorbing the former two or have higher requirements due to specific medical needs.

How does folic acid benefit your health?

Folic acid benefits everyone, regardless of whether you’re trying to conceive! It supports cellular growth, division, and reproduction, as well as DNA synthesis in red blood cells, proteins, and the nervous system. The main purpose of it is to promote the creation of new cells and to maintain their health.

It is imperative to take folic acid if you are #TTC (Trying to conceive). The hormone plays a significant role in preventing brain and spine defects (such as spina bifida). There has been evidence to show that sufficient intake even before pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects (since neural tube defects occur when cells divide quickly and even before a woman is even aware she is pregnant).

As well as lowering the chance of miscarriage, it can also decrease the risk of preterm delivery and maternal anemia. These are some reasons why we recommend all women embarking on #TTC take a prenatal supplement.

What is the recommended daily dosage of folic acid?

Folic acid is recommended for women of childbearing age (who are not trying to conceive) at a daily dose of 400 mcg. The best way to meet this requirement is to eat a balanced diet that is enriched with folic acid, including leafy greens, fruits, beans, and grains that are fortified with folic acid.

Pregnant women or those trying to conceive require higher doses (600-1000 mcg/day) which can be met through a good prenatal supplement as well as a balanced diet.

Where can I find folate-rich foods?

The natural form of folate should also be consumed by women who are trying to conceive, in addition to prenatal vitamins. Following are some of the most folate-rich foods:

  • Eggs
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Citrus fruits
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Wheat germ

What about men? Is folic acid good for them as well?

Without a doubt! It turns out that studies have shown that men’s sperm may benefit from a diet rich in folate/folic acid, reducing the chances of birth defects.

Therefore, if you are planning on getting pregnant with your partner, it is wise that both of you should take a folic acid supplement (prenatal vitamin).

Ultimately, what is the point?

Among each of these forms of the essential B vitamin, folate, folic acid, and methyl folate, your diet and/or vitamin regimen should contain any of these essential B vitamins. They are important not only for your newborn’s cellular growth but for your baby’s healthy development.

Best wishes on your fertility journey from all of us at Hegde Fertility!

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