Female FertilityMale Fertility

Top 10 General FAQs on Fertility


Embarking on the journey to parenthood can be both exciting and challenging. For many, understanding fertility becomes a crucial aspect of family planning. In this blog, we’ll address the top 10 general FAQs on fertility to empower individuals and couples with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

1) What is fertility?

Fertility is the ability to have babies or to reproduce. When fertility rates in a community increase, more babies are born. Fertility is the quality of a human’s ability to produce offspring, which is dependent on age, health, and other factors.

2) What factors can affect fertility?

A number of lifestyle factors affect fertility in women and men, or in both. These include excess weight, and over exercise; physical and psychological stress; environmental and occupational exposures; substance and drug use and abuse; and medications without doctors advice these are some factors that fertility in both men and women.

3) At what age does fertility decline for men and women?

  • For men, fertility generally starts to reduce around age 40 to 45 yearswhen sperm quality decreases. Increasing male age reduces the overall chances of pregnancy and increases time to pregnancy.
  • For women, decreases gradually but significantly beginning approximately at age 32 years and decreases more rapidly after age 37 years.

4) When should we consider seeking help for fertility issues?

If you are 35 or older and have been trying for six months to get pregnant without birth control, you may want to see a fertility specialist.

5) How long should we try to conceive before seeking medical advice?

The average rule of thumb is that it takes a couple five to six months to conceive. If you are under 35 and have been having unprotected sex (sex without any form of birth control) for 12 months, you may want to see a fertility specialist.

6) What are the common causes of infertility in both men and women?

Causes of infertility can include ovulatory disorders, endometriosis, low sperm count or low testosterone. The risk of infertility increases as you age. Many treatment options are available for people with infertility.

7) How does stress affect fertility?

It’s unlikely that stress alone can cause infertility, stress interferes with a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Research has shown that women with a history of depression are twice as likely to experience infertility. Anxiety also can prolong the time needed to achieve pregnancy.

8) How does obesity impact fertility?

Overweight and obese women have higher levels of a hormone called leptin, which is produced in fatty tissue. This can disrupt the hormone balance and lead to reduced fertility.

9) Can fertility be improved through diet and exercise?

Eating a nutritious diet and moderate exercise can help boost fertility and prepare your body for pregnancy. Plus, it’s just helpful to you all around. If you’re trying to get pregnant, it’s important that you begin making healthy nutrition and moderate exercise today.

10) How does smoking and alcohol consumption affect fertility?

Smoking & alcohol consumption can have detrimental effects on fertility in both men and women. It can reduce sperm quality and motility in men, while in women it can decrease egg quality and disrupt the reproductive hormone balance.


Understanding fertility is a crucial aspect of family planning, and having answers to these top 10 general FAQs can empower individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood. If faced with challenges, seeking guidance from a fertility specialist ensures a personalized approach to fertility care. Remember, knowledge is key, and with the right information, the path to building a family can be navigated with confidence.

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