Female Fertility

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: 5 Common Causes

What is recurrent pregnancy loss? A recurrent miscarriage is defined as three or more consecutive miscarriages. In order to prevent recurrent miscarriages, one must undergo a thorough physical examination and testing.

In most cases, recurrent miscarriages are extremely unlikely. Women who experience repeated miscarriages make up approximately 1% of the population. It is estimated that 60% of miscarriages occur randomly. The phenomenon occurs when fertilized embryos receive an abnormal number of chromosomes. The cause is usually an accident, and there is no medical condition that contributes to it. A woman over the age of 35 is more likely to have recurrent miscarriages than one who is at a younger age.

However, miscarriages are a common occurrence. There is an estimated 15% to 20% chance of them occurring during pregnancy. This usually occurs during the first trimester or the first thirteen weeks of pregnancy. The majority of couples who experience miscarriages go on to have healthy children, and miscarriages do not define a woman’s fertility. It is possible to have a successful pregnancy even after two miscarriages. 

You may need to take a closer look at the 5 common causes of your recurring miscarriages once you have had two or three miscarriages.

1. The Presence of Genetic Abnormalities:

Miscarriages are often caused by abnormal chromosomal structures. An embryo with abnormal chromosomes can lead to repeated pregnancy losses when faulty chromosomes are carried within the egg or sperm. It is also more likely for women over 35 to produce eggs with chromosomal abnormalities.

Treatment options: 

Karyotyping is a blood test for identifying genetic defects in the chromosomes, and genetic counseling may be recommended depending on the results.

2. A Medical Condition or Untreated Endocrine Disorder:

Some medical conditions, including diabetes and endocrine disorders, such as thyroid disease, negatively impact the uterus. An embryo growing in this environment may have difficulty thriving and growing in the uterus. 
Treatment options:

There are medications available to help correct hormonal imbalances.

3. Uterine Malformations and Other Anatomical Abnormalities:

Uterine malformations often go unnoticed until a woman faces difficulties conceiving or miscarriages on a regular basis. An abnormal uterus can affect the embryo’s ability to implant properly or prevent a woman from carrying the pregnancy to term. Fibroids, polyps, or excessive scar tissue may also be associated with anatomical abnormalities.
Treatment options:

In most cases, ultrasounds, hysterosalpingograms, hysteroscopies, or laparoscopies can detect abnormalities in the uterus. A surgical repair is also an option for some uterine abnormalities.  

4. Deficiency of Cervical Function:

When the cervix is structurally damaged, it can weaken, leading to miscarriage. During pregnancy, the cervix shortens and opens prematurely, making it impossible for the embryo or fetus to be enclosed in the uterus. A woman typically experiences these problems in her second or third miscarriage. 
Treatment options:

You may be offered a cervix scan and continuous monitoring through pregnancy to find out how long your cervix is. You may be advised to undergo a cervical stitch or cerclage if you have a high risk of premature labor. There may be a need for a gestational carrier in some situations.

5. Factors Related to Lifestyle:

A woman’s risk of miscarriage increases if she uses drugs, drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, and smokes. Pregnancy loss is increased when a pregnant woman drinks heavily. Heavy drinking can be harmful to the fetus and can reduce its growth. As well, smokers are twice more likely to miscarry than non-smokers.  
Treatment options:

Identifying lifestyle modifications and connecting with a nutritionist can be facilitated by physicians.

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Can Also Be Caused by Other Factors:

    • Conditions involving autoimmunity, such as antiphospholipid antibodies
    • Having poor quality sperm  
    • Environmental factors and stress 
    • Viruses and infections 

Hegde Fertility Is Here to Help! Call Us to Schedule an Appointment Today!

Recurrent miscarriages are very emotionally draining, and at our Hegde Fertility, we understand your emotional toll.

As we work to help you meet your challenges, find the causes and have a healthy baby. We are dedicated to supporting you. When you’ve miscarried twice or more please feel free to call us at ”+91-8880747474” to schedule a consultation and let our experts help you to overcome recurrent miscarriages.

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