Male Fertility

Low Sperm Count and Treatment Options


The infertility rate in India is 13%, with one-third being caused by male factors. It is extremely unlike that a woman will become pregnant without the assistance of a fertility specialist.

The term “male factor infertility” refers to the inability of a man to construct a fertile relationship with his female partner. Infertility in men can manifest in several ways. An erection or ejaculation may not be possible for a man. Ejaculation is necessary for sperm to reach the egg and for fertilization to occur. Infertility in men may also be caused by inadequate sperm production.

How Does a Low Sperm Count Occur?

Sperm is produced every day by men in their testicles, and it matures after about two months. In ejaculation, sperm are released from 15 million to 200 million per milliliter of semen in healthy males. ‘Oligospermia’ is a condition in which men produce fewer than 15 million sperm per milliliter of semen. You should not confuse, if you have a total absence of sperm, it is referred to as ‘azoospermia’. It is still possible to produce sperm even if your sperm count is low.

It is essential to understand that several factors affect sperm production. Many factors can decrease sperm production, including smoking, drinking, usage of drugs, toxins, stress, and spending too much time in the hot tub.

The chances of your sperm fertilizing your partner’s egg are low when you have a low sperm count. This does not mean that you and your partner cannot conceive a child. It is still possible for your sperm to fertilize your partner’s egg with the help of some treatments.

Low Sperm Count Symptoms:

A low sperm count is usually not recognized by men until one year after unprotected intercourse they find themselves unable to conceive. Some men suffer from chromosomal abnormalities, hormone imbalances, blockages, or testicular vein dilation issues. You can detect low sperm count by looking for the following signs:

  • Difficulty in ejaculating
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Swelling or pain in the testicles
  • A decrease in facial or body hair
  • A lump in the testicles
  • Low sex drive

In case you have any of the above symptoms, or if you’ve been actively trying to conceive and aren’t having luck, schedule a doctor’s appointment and have your fertility tested so, that together you can find out everything you need to know about your fertility.

Treatment Options For Low Sperm Count:

Basic biology tells us that eggs and sperm must come together for conception to occur. In cases where it isn’t possible to achieve this naturally, assisted reproductive technology can help. Treatment options for male factor infertility can vary depending on the cause:

  • Hormonal Treatment: Some patients have low sperm count problems due to a low level of pituitary hormones stimulating sperm production. The treatment is similar to that used to treat hormone imbalances. Certain injectable hormones can increase the number of sperm to the point where natural conception occurs.
  • Antibiotic Treatment: Rarely, low sperm counts are associated with an infection. When certain infections affect sperm production or health, scarring can prevent sperm from moving freely.

If your clinician diagnosed this cause, can prescribe antibiotic treatment to eliminate the infection and increase sperm production.

  • Surgery: Surgery is rarely used to treat low sperm counts. Patients with low sperm count may need surgical treatment if there is a blockage in sperm transport.

A Word From Hegde Fertility:

You need to find out what’s causing your infertility if you are actively trying to conceive without success. Get in touch with Hegde Fertility if you have questions about male infertility and treatment options.

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