Health Articles

Is Eating Fast Food Going To Make Pregnancy More Difficult?

Simply put, fertility means the ability to produce offspring naturally. A variety of factors determine whether a woman can conceive, such as her age, genetics, and medical conditions. Several factors affecting fertility (such as lifestyle choices and diet) are well within one’s control, although a few are beyond one’s control.


Fertility refers to the inability to become pregnant after a year of carefully timed, unprotected sex. Infertility is often characterized by the inability to conceive without any additional symptoms. It is far better to control certain risk factors of infertility before the problem begins to arise by using various treatment methods, such as hormones, IVF, etc., in order to deal with infertility.

Risk factors:

A woman’s chances of becoming infertile are increased by certain factors. The following are some of them:

  • Age: It is important to note that age plays an important role in conceiving as after the mid-thirties the ability to conceive starts to decline.
  • Smoking: As well as increasing the risk of infertility, smoking also increases the risk of miscarriage.
  • Obesity: Having an overweight or obese body decreases fertility rates as well.
  • Alcohol: Women who consume alcohol are also more likely to experience infertility.
  • Diet: It may also be difficult to conceive if you don’t get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. Additionally, eating disorders are associated with an increased risk of infertility in women.
  • Environmental factors: Chemicals or pollutants that accumulate over time can also affect fertility.
  • Stress: Both physical and mental stress can make it difficult to become pregnant.

Fast food and fertility:

Fast food consumption can adversely affect fertility when we examine the risk factors. It is difficult to conceive when people consume fast food regularly, as it leads to obesity and deprivation of essential nutrients. In modern research, it has been proven that women who eat fast food regularly have a harder time conceiving than women who don’t. A study performed by the University of Adelaide found infertility rates increase from 8 to 16 percent among women who eat fast food regularly. In order to increase fertility, fast food consumption should be limited even before conception. The consumption of fast food not only takes longer to conceive, but it also puts the mother’s health at risk, increasing the risks of pregnancy complications.

Fast food during pregnancy:

Fast food consumption contributes to infertility, there is no doubt about that. Also, fast food consumption during pregnancy, even after conception, carries certain risks, including:

  • Pregnant women who consume fast food are more likely to have genetic abnormalities.
  • It increases the risk that a child will be born preterm.
  • Birth defects are more likely to occur.
  • Mothers who eat fast food have an increased risk of miscarriage and stillbirth because fast food can make them overweight.
  • As a result, the baby may be at greater risk of developing allergies and asthma.
  • Increase gestational diabetes risk.

A Word From hedge Fertility:

We at Hegde Fertility completely understand that infertility can be a very distressing experience for couples, and we will provide you with the best treatment possible for this condition. As a leading fertility clinic, we are dedicated to helping people with infertility with top-of-the-line equipment and highly qualified fertility experts. With Hegde Fertility, you will receive a high success rate and the utmost care and support during this process.

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