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Can I Still Get Pregnant if I Have PCOS

PCOS has become the most common condition nowadays. The exact cause of PCOS is unknown. Doctors believe women with high testosterone levels can’t produce hormones and release eggs normally. If you couldn’t find out about your PCOS, you should consult a fertility specialist who can find out about your PCOS condition through some diagnosis called progesterone and transvaginal ultrasound. If you get positive results, don’t worry, you still have a chance to conceive a baby within a year. There are some treatments to treat this condition, and along with these treatments, you may follow some medications to improve your chances of getting conceiving. Most women undergo these treatments and medications, increasing their chances of fertility. Now it’s your time to reach your dream of becoming a parent. 

So, let us talk about what exactly PCOS is, the symptoms and causes of PCOS, how it can be diagnosed, and how PCOS affects fertility. Finally, what are the treatments available for PCOS?

What Is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal imbalance that is referred to as PCOS. For women who have PCOS at the end of the menstrual cycle, the ovaries don’t allow an egg to release. At this time, a woman is having more difficulty getting pregnant.

When you have polycystic ovaries (PCO):

  • You have rather bigger than average ovaries
  • You have more follicles when compared to others

It does not mean that you have PCOS if you have polycystic ovaries. In basic terms, PCO indicates that your ovaries are somewhat different from other women’s, whereas PCOS is a disorder associated with hormonal imbalances.

What Are the Symptoms of PCOS?

Some women notice symptoms during their first period of the cycle. Moving to others find they have PCOS after weight gain or they have trouble getting pregnant.

  • Heavy Bleeding: You may have heavier periods during this stage as the uterine lining takes a long time to develop.
  • Irregular Periods: In the absence of ovulation, the uterus does not shed every month. Some women with PCOS may not cycle at all or have less than eight cycles per year. 
  • Hair Growth: In this symptom, hair grows on the body and faces even more than 70% of women with this disorder, as well as on the back, abdomen, and chest. Excessive hair development is referred to as hirsutism.
  • Acne: Those with male hormones’ skin become oilier than normal and can lead to breakouts on the areas like the face, chest, and upper back.
  • Baldness: You may experience thinning and falling hair on your head.
  • Skin Darkening: You observe the dark patches of skin that can develop in body creases, such as those on the neck, groin, and behind the breasts.
  • Over Weight: Those with PCOS gain a lot of weight and are obese.
  • Headaches: In some Headaches may trigger due to hormone changes 

Causes of PCOS

Doctors aren’t sure what causes PCOS exactly. They think excessive male hormones block the ovaries’ ability to produce hormones and harvest eggs properly. Androgen results from insulin resistance, inflammation, and a genetic predisposition.

Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance affects up to 70% of those women who have PCOS, which means their cells can’t utilize insulin correctly.

A hormone called insulin is generated by the pancreas that supports the body’s use of sugar via food as a form of energy. When cells cannot effectively use insulin, the body’s need for it increases. To reimburse, the pancreas produces extra insulin. More insulin is produced by the pancreas and stimulates more male hormones produced by the ovaries.

Being overweight is a key contributor to insulin resistance. Being overweight and insulin resistance could both raise your chances of developing PCOS.

Inflammation: Inflammation is also a cause of PCOS. Women with PCOS often experience increased inflammation in their bodies. Researchers have found a link between inflammation and increased testosterone levels.

Diagnosis for PCOS

PCOS is commonly diagnosed in women who have at least 2 of these three signs.

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles
  2. Cysts in the ovaries
  3. High androgen levels

Any symptoms, such as acne, face and body hair increment, and excess weight, also must be checked by your doctor. 

A pelvic examination can detect any issues concerning ovaries or different components of your reproductive tract. Throughout this test, your doctor places gloved fingers into your vagina and examines your ovaries and uterus for any growth.

Blood tests: To detect excessive levels of male hormones, blood tests are performed.

Ultrasound: An ultrasound examines the uterus and ovaries using sound waves to check for excessive follicles and other issues.

How Does PCOS Affect Fertility

As a result of PCOS, women produce more male hormones than they need to. They are unable to conceive because of this hormonal disorder that prevents menstruation. Although this disorder affects the ovaries, it may not always result in infertility. You can have the ability to become pregnant. As a result, PCOS is one of the most common causes of infertility. PCOS is estimated at 5–13% of women affected by reproductive age, according to studies – but it’s treatable.

PCOS disturbs the natural menstrual cycle, making it very difficult to get pregnant. PCOS affects 70 to 80% of women who are trying to conceive. They’re often more likely to have a miscarriage, have hypertension, or develop gestational diabetes. Pregnancy complications can also occur as a result of this disorder. Fertility treatments that stimulate ovulation can be used to conceive women with PCOS. Losing weight and controlling blood sugars can help you have a healthier pregnancy.

Fertility Treatments for Women With PCOS

Birth Control:Daily progestin use can lead to:

  • restabilize natural hormone balance
  • regulate ovulation 
  • Endometrial cancer protection

Metformin: Metformin is a type two diabetes medicine. As a result, it tends to increase insulin levels in PCOS sufferers. According to research, trying to take metformin along with exercise and diet changes helps to improve weight loss, decreases sugar levels, and renews a natural menstrual cycle better than exercise and diet changes alone.

Clomiphene: Clomiphene is a fertility medicine that can help women with PCOS to conceive. When discussing family planning, you need to keep in mind that clomiphene may increase the probability of twins and multiple births.

Surgery: Whether other treatments fail to improve the chances of fertility, surgery is an option. Ovarian exploration is a procedure that uses a laser or a thin hot needle to make small holes in the ovum to rebuild normal ovulation.

A Word From Hegde Fertility

Are you facing difficulty in conceiving a baby with PCOS? You may be experiencing PCOS-related issues. Don’t neglect your concerns; your negligence becomes more dangerous, it can lead to several health problems, and you can face more difficulty getting pregnant. Hegde Fertility helps you to come out of this condition.




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