Female Fertility

You Need to Know These 8 Things About Endometriosis

You may not always be able to find the answers you need when you are dealing with endometriosis. Despite its prevalence across the world, we still know very little about the condition that affects 10% of women of reproductive age. A woman suffering from this condition is more than suffering from mild period pain; its symptoms – such as painful sex, feeling sick, and pain that stops normal activities – can be debilitating, potentially affecting fertility.

The following information about endometriosis will answer your questions.

8 Things You Should Know About Endometriosis:

The Journey of Endometriosis Is Unique to Each Person:

As a challenging disease, endometriosis can seem a mystery both to patients and providers. The treatment of endometriosis depends greatly on the individual and personalized approach to each patient experiencing it, as there is no clear path to follow for living with, diagnosing, or treating it.

Take a Stand for Yourself:

Take a stand for yourself if you are going through this situation. You should talk with your health care provider if you have pain in the pelvis, painful sex, painful cramps, bladder, or back pain, diarrhea, and constipation. These symptoms may indicate endometriosis.

Health care providers can range from Primary Care Providers (PCPs) to Obstetricians/Gynecologists to other specialists, depending on where the pain is. It may be best to start with your primary care physician, who will be able to guide you to the appropriate specialist.

Endometriosis, a Disease Without a Cure, Can Be Challenging to Treat:

The medications and treatments for endometriosis may alleviate some symptoms for some patients, but they do not completely cure the disease. Most of the medications are not recommended for a woman trying to conceive.

Choosing the right endometriosis specialist is crucial to finding the best treatment for your needs and goals.

Protect Your Fertility:

When a patient has endometriosis or a suspect’s endometriosis, the patient should visit a specialist reproductive endocrinologist immediately to determine whether fertility can be restored. If you are worried about the effects of endometriosis on your eggs but are not ready to start a family, egg freezing may be a good treatment option for you.

It Is Possible to Become Pregnant With Endometriosis!

Studies found that 30-50% of women with endometriosis have fertility problems. Women with endometriosis who are experiencing difficulties conceiving have proven that In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most effective treatment option. Having said that, women with endometriosis can and do conceive naturally.

When Treating Endometriosis, Seek Expert Care:

An external infection such as endometriosis occurs outside of the uterus. It is not possible to treat endometriosis with a hysterectomy. Remember, to find more effective endometriosis treatment options that spare reproductive organs, you should seek out an endometriosis specialist.

By removing the reproductive organs, you no longer have the option of becoming pregnant or carrying a child.

Find Out What to Look For in an Endometriosis Specialist:

It can be overwhelming, confusing, and extremely frustrating to seek expert care, and it leads some people to indefinitely delay seeking it at all. Endometriosis specialists should also have some specific qualities, which can also help you narrow down your search.

In order to be an effective endometriosis specialist, one should perform excision surgery in a high-volume center of excellence, work to identify and remove endometriosis throughout the body, including hard-to-reach areas like the bowels regularly, preserve reproductive organs, as well as refer patients to other health care professionals.

Don’t settle for anything less than the best endometriosis treatments.

Make Sure the Care Team Treats the Patient as a Whole:

The management of endometriosis, as well as infertility, requires a multidisciplinary team since both diseases can be physically and emotionally challenging. Support from a compassionate medical team and a strong support system can make these challenges easier to handle!

A word from Hedge Fertility:

Every person with endometriosis has different symptoms and goals, so it’s important to let your care team know how you’re feeling. As well as coping with this disease, support groups and multidisciplinary providers are great resources to help with your condition.

In collaboration with the endometriosis community, your expert team, and your advocacy efforts, you can overcome your symptoms and live an enjoyable, fulfilling life.



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