Female FertilityWomen Health

Healthy Pregnancy with Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements

Whether you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, there are additional steps you can take to keep yourself and your baby healthy. There are dozens of ways to ensure your baby gets a healthy start during pregnancy, from eating fruits and vegetables to exercising and sleeping enough. The best way to ensure that you get all the nutrients you need is to take prenatal vitamins and supplements. Find out which pregnancy vitamins and supplements are right for you and your baby.

Do You Know What Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements Are?

For pregnant women, prenatal vitamins and supplements are designed to support a healthy pregnancy by supplying them with healthy vitamins and minerals. While you and your baby will get most of the vitamins and minerals through a healthy diet, it may be even more beneficial to take pregnancy supplements and vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women.

What Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements Should You Take?

To understand why pregnant women need different nutritional needs, and which vitamins they need most, it is a good idea to know why pregnant women have different nutritional needs. The majority of these vitamins and nutrients can be obtained naturally, but most prenatal multivitamins include all of the necessary vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends prenatal vitamins that contain these minerals and vitamins. If you are considering taking supplements, you should consult your doctor first. Sometimes, your doctor may prescribe specific pregnancy vitamins.

1. Iron:

Iron is a crucial supplement, regardless of whether you’re pregnant or not, as it aids red blood cells in delivering oxygen throughout your body. Getting enough iron during pregnancy can also reduce your baby’s risk of being underweight when he or she is born. The red blood cells in your body also help to deliver oxygen to your baby when you get the necessary amount of iron during pregnancy.

2. Folic Acid:

A pregnant woman’s diet should contain folic acid as it can help prevent neural tube birth defects. It’s recommended that all women who are childbearing age take folic acid, but prenatal vitamins provide higher levels, so you will be protected as well.

3. Calcium:

In any diet, calcium plays an important role in strengthening bones and teeth. For the same reasons, it is also vital to your child’s development during pregnancy. Making sure you get enough calcium every day, which is about 1,000 mg for women 19-50, keeps yourself and your baby safe with strong teeth and bones.

4. Vitamin A:

There are several benefits to vitamin A for both you and your baby. Many prenatal multivitamins contain Vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin and eyesight as well as bone growth.

5. Vitamin B:

There are many benefits to taking vitamins B6 and B12, but they are particularly beneficial for generating red blood cells. It has also been shown that they help maintain your nervous system and improve your body’s ability to utilize fat, protein, and carbohydrates during pregnancy.

6. Vitamin C:

The importance of vitamin C during pregnancy cannot be overstated, especially for maximizing the benefits of your iron supplement. The antioxidant vitamin C plays an important role in the absorption of iron as well as in maintaining a healthy mouth, teeth, and gums.

7. Vitamin D:

Similar to Vitamin A, Vitamin D is essential for your baby’s bone and teeth growth. As well as keeping your skin healthy, it improves your vision.

A word from Hegde Fertility:

A healthy, balanced diet provides many of these essential vitamins and minerals, so there’s no need to take more than you need. Taking more Vitamin A, B6, C, D, or E during pregnancy can be dangerous, so make sure you don’t exceed the recommended amount. If you are planning to take any new medications, vitamins, or supplements, speak with your doctor to determine their safety and dosage.


1. Should I take prenatal vitamins throughout my pregnancy?

A: Pregnancy in the first few weeks is crucial to the health and development of the fetus. Certain birth defects can be reduced with the use of folic acid and other prenatal vitamins. So, it is important to continue taking prenatal vitamins throughout your entire pregnancy.

2. When is the best time to take prenatal vitamins: morning or night?

A: As with natural multivitamins, prenatal vitamins are best taken in the morning and as part of your daily routine. But follow your doctor’s suggestions.

3. What types of foods have folic acid?

  • Dark green leafy vegetables (spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and methi – Fenugreek)
  • Beans
  • Peanuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Fresh fruits, fruit juices
  • Whole grains
  • Liver
  • Seafood

4. What is the most important nutrient needed during pregnancy?

A: During pregnancy, protein plays a crucial role in the development of your baby. Lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, and dairy products are good sources of protein. You can also consume beans and peas as well as nuts, seeds, and soy products.

5. Is yogurt good for pregnant women?

A: Among the benefits of yogurt is its calcium content, which is essential for the development of your baby’s bones and teeth, as well as the function of their hearts, nerves, and muscles. If you don’t consume enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones.

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